June 21, 2011 | Author: frans
Do you have facebook account? I do. One day I saw my friend’s status who has been liked his favorite actor page. Actually I knew this actor for a long time ago when I was a kid, but I am not really a fan of him.

After that, I tried to click to this actor’s facebook page. I was quite surprise with his page. Every time I refreshed his page, I saw number of people who like his page keep on increase. Then, I tried to find out more about this person.

He was born in Hong Kong, on 27 April 1953; He is a specialist in action movie. He began his career almost 50 years ago; he made more than hundreds of movie. One thing that made me surprised from him is, he never use stuntman in all of his movies. Some of his famous movies are Rush Hour trilogy with Chris Tucker and The Karate Kids with Jaden Smith, the son of Will Smith
Anybody know who is he?
Yes... He is Jackie Chan

He begun to reach my attention now, not because of he is a good actor but because of his life. I am quite inspired with his life. Inspired with how he achieve his dreams and negotiate with his life.

He was born from a poor family, his father worked as a cook and his mother worked as a housekeeper. When Jackie was young, his father would wake him early in the morning and together practice kungfu. When he was 7 years old, his father took a job as a head chef in American Embassy in Australia, but he could not take Jackie with him, so he enrolled Jackie in the China Drama Academy where Jackie would live there for the next 10 years. This school really prepared him for a life in Opera. During his time in that school, he learned martial arts, aerobics, singing and acting. He hardly saw his parents at all for many years.

During his time in the academy, he made his acting debut at age 8 years old. He made 2 opera movies and when he got older, he worked as stuntman. When he was 17, he graduated from Drama Academy, but unfortunately in that time, Chinese opera not popular anymore. It was hard for him to get a job because at the school, he was never taught how to read and write. All he could do in that time just unskilled job and stunt work for years.

When Hong Kong movie industry began to fail, he was forced to go to Australia to live with his parents. He worked in restaurants and construction site. Jackie was very unhappy in Australia. One day, Jackie got telegram from Willie Chan. Jackie didn’t know it, but Willie would end up becoming Jackie’s manager. He was impressed with Jackie when Jackie worked as a stuntman. He proposed Jackie to play in Lo Wie’s movie. Lo Wie is a famous Hong Kong producer and also the director.

In 1976, Jackie begun to star some movies with Lo Wie but this movie did not success in market. The problem was that Jackie’s talents were not being used properly. He brought humor and martial arts in the movie. “Snake in Eagle’s Shadow” was his first movie which success in market in that time. In this movie, Jackie had a part in making. “Fearless Hyena” is the first movie which directed by Jackie and success in market.

In 1980, Jackie played in US movie but never success in market except “Cannonball Run” was success but only in America and Japan, not in Hong Kong. And then he discourages and went back to Hong Kong to continue making action-comedy movies.

In 1985, He went back to United State and played again but this movie did not success either. Then, he went back to Hong Kong again and 10 years later, he went back to State and made “Rumble in Bronx” and continued with “Rush Hour”, “Shanghai Noon”, and “Rush Hour 2”. All of these movies were success. Jackie had achieved his dream of being a superstar in America.

If you have more time, you can search some of his documentary in youtube, just search “Jackie Chan documentary”.

There are many things that made Jackie’s movie different with the other action actors’ movie.
1. He never uses stuntman for all of his movies. He broke his nose and fingers for many times, he also broke his ankle, broke his knee, got back injury, got knee injury and got other injuries
2. He almost never use fire weapons in all of his movies
3. He does not mind to take one scene by spending more time than other actors do. He even request more if he thinks that that scene is still not good in his mind

There is one quote that Jackie Chan made in one of his documentary

“I never think ten years later thing, I will think what I am doing today, what I am doing tomorrow and what I am doing this year”

From his biography, we can learn many things
1. Many people are easy to be depressing if they fail, some of them afraid to learn and try again. Failure is just a process to be success
2. Many people have dreams, but not many people want to fight for their dreams. They don’t want to realize their dream
3. Many people think that if they came from poor family, they can’t be succeed in their life
4. Many people think that only people who study in college or university who can succeed in their life. In fact, there are some people who do not have formal education can be succeed too
How about us?

Category: Inspiration


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